That Animated Podcast

How Our Relationship Made Friends Turn Against Us

Jaltoid Drama rumors are that Jaltoid is secretly toxic? Na, we’re just toxic to our smelly audience! Friends and roommates though… If they don’t like your second half, it’s time to reevaluate their standing in your life. That’s how we roll!

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  1. Buns

    Ar Jaltoid is toxic?

    You are not Britney Spears,ok?

    Glad 0
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  2. Xavia

    dalton looks very awesome sauce

    Glad 1
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  3. troler

    Dalton has changed, he went from having 9 balls to 0. Is he now a woman?

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  4. troler

    I have a lingering feeling by being so open about your relationship and your keenness to communicate with commenters, a weird parasocial relationship is going to be born. But that’s all the more funny. As a side note, Dianna Cowern is married, please do not try to marry her!

    I go about relationships by acting like myself, but being conscious of societal norms. It has worked out, now I have few people I can call friends with certainty. That’s a rare privilege for most, because the trade-off is that you are going to not have my “friends”. Same goes for partners, being honest alienates most people. Most people are strange, they are not like everyone else, so it makes it harder to find those who are interested in specific personality. But whoever is interested, is interested in what makes that person special. No need to keep up the mask in the early game of romance. I must add, I do not have a girlfriend, nor did I even attempt search for one. This is not a strategy how to get laid, rather how to be happy with yourself.

    So there was this one time when a user joined a group I was part of. He asked us controversial questions, trying to provoke a reaction. I ended up saying that drawn pornography is not pedophilia. Apparently it was a 4chan user, who ended up posting over 4chan the image of me saying that. I never got to know where the post originated, but the chat ended up being flooded. We banned him, things ceased. Month passed and a new person joined, he was pretty nice, saying he came from 4chan. But didn’t believe what was written. We talked to him, the question of CP was brought up once again, and he ended up flipping. Gone was his natural stature, some kind of anger demon had possessed him. He was banned as well. Being banned on that server is a rare sight to behold. Some people can’t handle the idea that lollicon is not on the same ethical line as actual CP and that the people who buy CP are complex human beings. If you act like a creep, then you are a creeper. Doesn’t really matter what your backstory is. I am not trying to give an amnesty.

    For some reason I imagine Dalton and Emi as Yuri Norstein and Francheska Yarbusova. A married couple working on animated projects, bickering, but still staying together. Because when you’re 80, you ain’t going anywhere. In 2070s Jaltoid will be in their 80s. After 13 days Emi will be 30.5 years old.

    The way Emi screamed as she was thrown out of the room, no wonder she is a voice actress.

    Satan is a nice dude. He just wanted to bring fire to people, but Zeus was against it. So he was punished by being chained to a wall where crows would fly to him every day and eat his liver. The next day the liver would be back, so crows could eat it again.

    Glad 0
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  5. fizzybombTV

    Part of me is still deeply concerned by Emi having eyebrows. Eyelids? Either way, too much thought behind those eyes, gotta go back to the vacant dots haha

    Glad 1
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  6. jamm

    is the video and thumbnail loading for anyone else on here? i just see a link to the mp3 where the video should be and in the side it says “Episode Icon” where the thumbnail should be but really squished

    Glad 1
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    1. troler

      Everyone sees it as that, file a report oh @Jaltoid (Twitter) or just wait until they fix it. WordPress is known to break like that, you usually need to update the add-ons.

      Glad 1
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    2. fizzybombTV

      Can confirm, no video player on the site, just the .mp3 link. Not sure how often they tinker with the site but they’ll get to it eventually, must be a wordpress issue. Episode plays just fine by clicking the link though.

      Glad 1
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  7. MooshDragodile

    Jaltoid is basically a toxic yuri

    Glad 1
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  8. Inkeroo


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  9. Inkeroo


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